Saturday, December 5, 2009

"I now pronounce you..MR & MRS HESTILOW"

We are now on the same side.
With the same name.

Look out world.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Guess what?

We got our marriage license today.
I felt funny answering the question:
How long have you been single?

I said with a slight blush..."25 years".
That certainly turned some heads. be continued.

p.s. BABY UPDATE. We now have a new grandson. Charlton.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Time just keeps ticking....ticking....ticking....into the future

I've been so busy with my new life, I've forgotten to keep up with the out side world.

My sweetie and I have been cleaning up our past lives to begin a new one together. I forgot how much time that takes. Maybe it depends on how much of a past one has, huh?

First and most important, in June he asked me to marry him, and I said YES! We are thrilled. We haven't really set a date in stone yet. We have to get some of our ducks in a row first. Good thing I live close to a pond.

This weekend we are going to the Woodstock of the Aeronautics world. Oshkosh, Wisconsin. We will be among 500,000 people and 10,000 airplanes. Yeeehaaaw. (Im from Texas, I can say that) We will be as close to heaven as possible and still be alive. I wont be able to wipe the smile off Ricks face for weeks. Which of course puts a smile on My face.

Thats about it for now, I have to go pack. be continued.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009



We are so excited!
One of us is going to be a new get two guesses as to which of us that would be.......and the first guess doesnt count.

I know I wont get much time with the baby, so Im hoping its twins.